“Afro-Latino Travels with Kim Haas is a groundbreaking travel series that shines a light, honors, and celebrates the historical and cultural contributions of Latin America’s African descendants, hosted by tri-lingual, Black female traveler and Executive Producer,
Kim Haas.
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Afro-Latino Travels with Kim Haas is airing on a public television station near you! Check our Broadcast page for new airdates.
Afro-Latino Travels with Kim Haas is a groundbreaking series on public television. Our new season features Colombia! The series shines a light, honors, and celebrates the historical and cultural contributions of Latin America’s African descendants, hosted by tri-lingual, Black female traveler and Executive Producer, Kim Haas.
No other travel TV series showcases solely the Afro-Latino communities throughout Latin America and their rich and diverse legacy of creating vibrant cultures in the Americas. Their imprint greatly influences mainstream Latino culture from Andean Peru to tropical Cuba, Brazil, Costa Rica, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, and Puerto Rico.
Please click here to check your local public television station listings, and see when the show will air.
If your local station is not listed, please check your local listings directly. If it is not showing, consider making a pitch to your local public television station’s director of programming,
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Brief episode descriptions are available. Also, we have added a comments page where we invite your comments!
We will be adding content to this site soon. For additional content about the Afro-Latino experience, check out my blog: LosAfroLatinos.com !
Thank you for your support! Gracias!
Kim Haas