
We invite your comments about the show below!

89 Replies to “Comments”

  1. I loved the show! A much needed show documenting African influence, history , lifestyle, culture and leadership in Latin America. Does this show conduct travel excursions/tours for the public?

    1. Hi Vivian:

      So nice to hear from you. And, a big thank you for watching the San Jose, Costa Rica episode.
      We really appreciate it! Funny you should inquire about tours, we are planning on tours and hope to be up and running next year. Details to come.

      Wishing you the very best!


      1. Dear Kim,
        You are living my dream life! I’m so proud of you! I have relatives in several Islands and countries.
        I have had the fortune of visiting most of them. I had planned to meet up with relatives in Costa Rico unfortunately Covid changed my plans. I just got vaccinated last Friday next shot in 2 weeks
        and then I’m going to start making plans to cautiously travel. I truly enjoyed your show and felt
        even more informed! Looking forward to seeing more, keep” em” coming! Good luck and stay safe!

        1. Vanessa!! Thank you so much for your comment. It’s nice to hear that you and I have the same dreams. I absolutely adore traveling to Latin America and studying the African diaspora. I’m so proud of the accomplishments of these communities despite the tremendous hardships and challenges they experience. What countries and islands are your relatives from? What part of Costa Rica were you going to travel to? Glad you’ve been vaccinated. I am vaccinated also and can’t wait to travel again. Please keep us in mind as you develop your travel plans. We are developing tours to Costa Rica and Cuba and working on making announcements in the near future. Have a wonderful week! Pura Vida!!

    2. Thank you so much for your travel series. I am an Afro-American with experience in Latin America. I have lived in Ecuador and in México. I am now 72 years old. I would be joining you on your travels and tours, however, I’m not able to currently. If you plan to tour Ecuador, I can be of service to you by providing places and Names of Afro Latinos there.

  2. I plan to visit Costa Rica after the pandemic! I thoroughly enjoyed the show and the cultural contributions of the Afro-Carib people. The show allowed me to determine where and when I wanted to travel to experience the unique sights, sounds tastes and adventures in Costa Rica. Please continue to provide this type of programming to us. I love the history, the historical contributions the African peoples has given all over the world.

    1. Joanne,
      I’m glad to hear you will be visiting Costa Rica after the pandemic. Love to hear about your trip when you return. We are working on additional shows. Afro-Latino history and culture is so deep and profound. I’m inspired by our resilience, creativity, genius and talent. Costa Rica is just the beginning…

      Thanks for watching! It means the world.


  3. Where can I see this in Hampton Roads VA( Norfolk/Virginia Beach)? I am a Spanish teacher with a passion for afrolatino culture!💞

    1. Hi Tina:

      Always nice to hear from a Spanish teacher! What grade(s) do you teach? (I attended Hampton University for a year and a half.)

      As of this writing, we have not received broadcast dates for Hampton Roads. If you feel so inclined, please reach out to your local PBS station and request that the programming department air the show. As a viewer, your voice matters.

      Please check our website periodically regarding new broadcast markets and dates.

      Have a great week!


  4. I am so impressed with how much art & history of African culture in Costa Rica you were able to pack into one half hour. And your genuine warmth towards everyone you interact with shines through, makes you a natural fit for a whole travel series devoted to this unique focus. #HispanicHeritageMonthUSA..! Please give us more!

    1. Jen,
      Thanks for taking the time to write. I love this “work.” It’s an absolute joy! I’m so grateful for this opportunity and for viewers like you. Wishing you the very best!

  5. Really enjoyed the show. I was introduced to so many interesting people, and Kim Haas’ personality really pulls you into the culture and makes you want to travel to her destinations. I’m looking forward to the next episode, I’m sure it will be a great adventure.

    1. Tom:
      It’s so nice to hear from you. Thanks so much for watching the show. We put our heart and soul into the production. And, we are so grateful you enjoyed it. Pura Vida!

  6. Hi Kim,
    I watched your show on September 16. Very impress. I have been to both San Jose and Limon twice and have only came in contact with my “primos” in Limon. I appreciate your segment in the capital and next time I visit after the pandemic I will make sure I visit the places you visited. Thank you.

    1. Hi Martha:
      Thanks so much for watching! Look out for the Limon episode. It should air in your area on September 23, same time as the San Jose episode. Pura Vida!

  7. Wow!!!
    Kim, you did an amazing job presenting the rich culture of San Jose. I enjoyed learning about the people, music and art. I look forward to learning more about Costa Rica in your next episode.

    1. Hola Fitzia:

      We appreciate that you took time out of your schedule to watch the San Jose episode. Get ready for Limon. We think it’s just as lovely. Wishing you the very best!

  8. I was extremely pleased with the way the information on the show was presented. It was personable, but it didn’t lack integrity. I learned so much about Afro-Latino culture in Costa Rica, and Im excited for the next episode. Nice work!

    1. Amirah:

      We are glad you enjoyed the show and learned so much about Afro-Costa Rican culture. I continue to learn about Afro-Latinos and remain in awe of their resilience, creativity, and talent. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

  9. ¡Que regalo es descubrir este programa en OPB! Gracias. Como maestra de español en las escuelas públicas siempre estoy buscado recursos para atraer y invitar la cultura y la diversidad de las Américas a mi clase. Sin duda, este serie puede ser muy educativo para mis alumnos. Vi el episodio de Costa Rica, un país que he visitado desde 1988. Me encanta aprender más de la costa este del país. Una maravilla.

    1. Hola Julie,

      Muchas gracias por contactarnos. ¡Nos encanta escuchar de los profesores! Estamos desarrollando una guía de aprendizaje para el programa y esperamos tenerla lista en un futuro cercano. Además, hemos tenido profesores que se han puesto en contacto con nosotros para incorporar artículos de nuestro blog ( en su plan de estudios. Y haremos varias proyecciones virtuales con universidades para discutir la identidad y la cultura afrolatina. Los publicaremos en nuestras cuentas de redes sociales. ¡Usted es siempre bienvenido!

    2. Hi Kim,

      I thoroughly enjoyed the last show. Costa Rica is beautiful. Loved the African dance group. I can relate to the dance because I was once involved in African dance (Judimar School of Dance). So very proud of you. I know your parents are over the moon.

      Marie McLeod

      1. Hello Ms. McLeod:

        So nice of you to watch the show and write! I really appreciate your kind words. Never new you danced. How wonderful!

        My best wishes to you and the family!

  10. Your show looks amazing! I am just sad that my local PBS station is not listed as one that will air the program. How does one go about pitching it?

    1. Hi Brenci:

      Thanks for your kind words! We are so grateful. What’s your local station? We would advise that you contact the station (Programming Department) and request that the station air the shows. You can also reach out to PBS (Programming) and make the same request. It’s important that stations hear from viewers, especially for programs celebrating black communities.

  11. I thoroughly enjoyed the show. Thank you for providing it to us. What was the name of the painter whose paintings are about the people and the life in the Caribbean?

    1. Hello Regina:

      Thanks so much for watching the San Jose episode. The wonderful artist is Adrian Gomez ( I adore his work and his spirit. It’s so important for black children to see themselves in paintings and so richly represented. Wishing you well!

  12. I thank you for bring this show to our attention, for me it looks wonderful to see our African influence in different parts of the world. We need more of this types of air time to show our young children more than one culture and how diverse we are. I would like to see more of this kind of programming, how can I help support this kind of program.

  13. Hello Ms. Haas,

    Saw an article about your show from ‘Port of Harlem’, which I subscribe to online! Missed the first series but I will be glued to my television for the next broadcast! Always wanted to know more about Latin America and the Black Diaspora! Thank you, thank you! Also to PBS!

  14. Kim I totally loved your show! I am from the Caribbean and there is so much African influence in my culture. I teach middle school Spanish and would love to show my students your Costa Rica Limon episode.
    Is there a video that can be purchased somewhere?

    1. Hola Lisette:

      Thanks so much for watching the show! Yes, you are right. There is so much African influence in the Caribbean. It’s absolutely incredible. What talent, genius, creativity and resilience! The shows just scratched the surface.

      And, we are glad to learn that you would like to share the episodes with your students. We are researching how teachers can share the episodes with their students. Hope to have details for you and all interested teachers in the very near future. (I was a Spanish major in undergraduate and graduate school)

      Wishing you and your students a safe, healthy and fulfilling school year!

  15. Thank you so much for these wonderful programs! I did a 10-day circle tour of Costa Rica and loved the country and warm welcoming people, but those trips go so quickly. My station played your programs back to back, and it was like being there again. I’m so grateful to “meet” the creative artists you interviewed, spend time experiencing their arts, and have a deeper appreciation of Costa Rican culture as enriched by Afro and Jamaican descendants. Pura vida!

    1. Hi Sharon:

      Thanks for taking time out of your day to watch the shows. So glad to hear you enjoyed “meeting” the artists. It was an absolute joy for us to meet them and bring their incredible stories to television. And, great to hear that you’ve been to Costa Rica and had a wonderful time. Yes, I agree, those tours go by so quickly. Speaking of tours, we are working on developing tours. Details to come….

      Have a wonderful day!

      Pura Vida!!

  16. Hola Lisette:

    Yes, you are right. There is so much African influence in the Caribbean. We just scratched the surface. If you don’t mind me asking, what country are you from?

    I’m glad to hear that as a teacher you would like to share the Limon episode with your students. (I majored in Spanish in undergraduate and graduate school). We are looking into the details of how teachers can share the episodes with their students. Hope to have news for you and all interested teachers in the very near future.

    Best wishes to you and your students for a healthy, safe school year!

  17. I enjoyed both shows on Costa Rica. Are there any plans to do a show on Portugal? Also, I’d like information on your upcoming tours.

    1. Hi Danielle:

      Thanks so much for watching both episodes. Currently, we do not have plans to shoot in Portugal. However, I have been reading about the role that Africans (citizens and immigrants from former Portuguese colonies) are playing in the historical and cultural life of the country. It’s fascinating! I’m definitely interested in exploring. Do you have a connection to Portugal?

      In terms of tours, we are developing trips and hope that once it is safe to travel, we can get back on the road, in the air, on the seas…

      Please continue to keep in touch and check our website periodically.

      Have a wonderful week!


  18. Thank you so much for this series. Kim’s JOY in her interactions with the people she interviews, and in her participation in their arts, is infectious! I appreciate the acknowledgement of the historical connections and impact. It was very special to see the families included. Costa Rica itself, the dancing, music, and people are lovely. Want to see more!

  19. Great show, Kim!

    As a high school Spanish teacher I would love to be able to show this series to my students. Can ‘the powers that be’ make it possible to stream the show or even release it on DVD ?

    Can’t wait to see more,

    1. I am also a high school Spanish teacher and would love to be able to show this to my students!! Please keep me updated if possible should there be a way to access episodes (even if my district has to purchase them).

      ¡Muchísimas gracias!

      1. Hello Alexa:

        So sorry for the late response but lovely to hear from you. If you are still interested in showing the episodes of “Afro-Latino Travels with Kim Haas” to your students, the attached link will allow you to rent the episodes. I hope this helps! Please feel free to reach out with any additional questions. We will definitely respond in a much more timely manner. Pura Vida!
        Watch Afro-Latino Travels with Kim Haas Costa Rica Online | Vimeo On Demand on Vimeo

        1. I am so glad you had the 2022 air dates this year! I hope this means that there are new episodes in production. I am also a Spanish teacher and would like to purchase dvds when they are available.

  20. Thank you for presenting a outstanding and informative series on the Afro-Latino culture in Costa Rica. I enjoyed your pleasant interaction and personal involvement with the people.
    Looking forward to seeing more.

  21. Hello Ms. Kim and Company;
    Ms. Kim, this is Sheila and thank you so very much for returning my email.
    Just wanted again to let you know how much I really enjoyed your program, how refreshing, exciting and joyful it was to see Afro-Latino people showing their beautiful culture.
    Thank you for showing the world that there is more to Black people than is usually shown. I pray you get the funding needed to put on more programs that will educate, motivate and empower folks the world over.
    Thank you, Ms. Kim and be blessed.

    1. Hello Sheila:

      Thanks so much for your wonderful email! Your words inspire me and make me feel so good. You captured exactly what we were trying to share in the series – the incredible diversity and talent of Black people. Thank you for taking time to write and share your thoughts!

      Stay safe and well!


  22. Presentation was fantasic, why I was right there sharing the homemade meal, dancing and all while learning the politics, initmate conversion with women of like mind. I was captured. Then to my sorrow, the episode on Limon did not appear. (This has happen with Denver TV programing before. ) I got a little obsessed. Why do this happening with programs about people of color. No there is no hidden agenda, it happens because I mostly watch programs about people of color. However, it does make me think?? Darn, it’s on the guide schedule. Ms. Haas must be really showing the get down for real. I am not giving up but had to share: This self isolating had me sinking into a kind of sadness. So, I decided to learn spanish. Part of my approach is to watch spanish speaking programs. Along came Afro-latin travles. I am so grateful. I have stayed in Costa Rica and had arranged to visit Limon for festival. Now I will be better prepared for the wonderful Afro-Latin cultural mix.

    1. Hi Darlene:
      Great to hear from you. I hope this email finds you in good spirits. This year has been very challenging and I hope Afro-Latino Travels has brought some sunshine into your life.

      I loved your email, especially the “Ms. Haas must be really showing the get down for real.” Our goal was always to bring the talent, creativity, resilience and total genius of Afro-Latinos to television. I’m sorry Denver didn’t broadcast the Limon episode, sometimes the programming schedules change and we are not notified. However, I have good news. Below please find broadcast dates forwarded to us by the station.

      We wish you sunny days and know that we are rooting for you!

      Pura vida!


      12.1 12/22/20 Tuesday 20:30 Afro-Latino Travels #101 (San Jose)
      12.1 12/29/20 Tuesday 20:30 Afro-Latino Travels #102 (Limon)
      (Overnight repeats)
      12.1 12/23/20 Wednesday 20:30 Afro-Latino Travels #101 (San Jose)
      12.1 12/30/20 Wednesday 20:30 Afro-Latino Travels #102 (Limon)

  23. I am a Black Puerto Rican born in California. I just watched your 1st episode and I absolutely loved it! We loved it! It is long overdue for the Black side of Latino culture to be recognized. It is equally important that White American culture see how diverse the Latino culture is!

    Keep up the good work!

    1. Hi Ian:

      Thank you for watching Episode 1 ( San Jose). We appreciate that you took time out of your day to spend some time with us. Yes, you are right. Afro-Latinos have been under-represented and under-appreciated for too long. We hope that the show is part of the larger movement to honor, recognize, appreciate and value Black Lives.

      What part of Puerto Rico are you from? Puerto Rico has a rich and incredible Afro descendant legacy!



  24. I have just finished watching the show and it is FANTASTIC!! I think is wonderful that you are doing something like this. KEEP GOING!! I’ll be watching and thank you

    1. Adriane:

      Your words inspire me. I’m super grateful for your comments. There is so much incredible talent, perseverance and history in the Afro-Latino Diaspora. Despite the hardships, these communities are unstoppable. I’m so proud to be part of these shows.

      Thank you for watching.

      Stay strong and well!


  25. Hello Miss Kim Haas:
    I was just watching your program on KQED, Afro Latin Travels visiting Costa Rica. Definitely enjoyed it. The Cocoa farm piece was awesome. Your show brought back many memories of my travels to Costa Rica years ago with a couple of close friends. At least four to five trips. We were contemplating moving n residing there during some personal down times in our lives (ie family disputes, divorce to name a couple). During your shows presentation I recognized many of the places that you visited as well. It was so inspiring. Almost heartfelt as one of my travel companions recently passed away. But the shows images were definitely touching. Of course our mainstay was San Jose. However we visited places like Puerto Limon, Jaco, Cahuita, Puerto Viejo. Great to see the place again. One of these days I’d like to go back and spend more time in Limon on the Caribbean side. Thank you and keep those Afro Latin travel shows coming.

  26. Hello James:

    My condolences to you on the passing of one of your travel companions. I can only imagine that this is a very challenging time for you and I wish you comfort.

    And, if the show was able to bring a smile to your face or bring back memories from your previous trips, I’m so glad. I believe we are on this planet to help and support one another, bring out the best in each other.

    May your heart find peace and tranquility.

    Thank you for writing!


  27. I had only one episode aired in Memphis, TN (A BLACK MAJORITY CITY). How do we go about getting the other episodes here? Additionally, have you gone on after the three episodes to other countries? Ironically, I did a series of “Notes” on my Face Book page during “Hispanic Heritage Month,” which might give you a little research touch points. Robert Morgan-Wilde, Tennessee, here’s my address:

    I didn’t see a place to find your account on FB. Bestest to you and your producers. Do you have a “crowd funding” platform?

    1. Hello Pastor Wilde:

      Thanks so much for reaching out to us on Facebook, as well as here on our website. I will check out your “Notes” on your Facebook Page.

      So far, we have shot the 2 episodes in Costa Rica (San Jose and Limon). Those are the shows that have been airing on PBS. We are looking to shoot more episodes next year when the global health crisis has been mitigated and its safe to travel and film.

      We are developing a crowd funding page. Looking to launch it in the new year.

      We will reach out to the Memphis station next week to find out what happened regarding the second episode. Thanks again for letting us know!

      Wishing you the very best!


  28. Hello
    I just saw your show on San Jose, CR and loved it. It was so refreshing to see a part of Costa Rica (and Central America) that is not too well known or talked about. I lived in several towns in Limon during the 90’s and married a Costa Rican of Afro-Caribean descent. She said she knows several of the people you talked to. We really related to the Olympic hopeful and family because my wife’s daughter competed in track through college. We moved here in 2000 and raised her daughter in Seattle. I’ve already put the next episode on my calendar and look forward to seeing Limon. Thank you

    1. Happy New Year, Robert! My apologies for the delay in responding. Thank you very much for your reply. It’s nice to hear from someone who has lived in Costa Rica, your perspective having lived in- country is really interesting. Plus, the fact that your wife knows several of the people we interviewed is another reminder that we are all connected.

      Thanks very much for watching!

      Pura Vida!

  29. Hola Kim, Loved the Costa Rica episode. Thanks for your fabulous program When are you going to Panama? My father was a mixed race panamanian architect who moved to the Texas in the 1940’s. I would love to to know more about my my family’s heritage.
    Thanks, Carmen Acosta

    1. Hi Carmen:

      Thanks so much for watching the show. We loved producing it. What an absolute pleasure it is to learn about the African Diaspora! So much rich history. It’s my absolute joy. Sounds like you have a really fascinating family story. We hope to shoot in Panama. We will keep everyone posted. I wish you a wonderful holiday season and a healthy, happy new year!

  30. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.I watched your entire show about Afro-Costa Rican’s with a big smile on my face. I never watch TV with a smile. I choose not to have cable television however I watch public television regularly. Before the racial and social justice movements of 2020 I was disheartened but the numerous number of travel shows, mostly going to European countries with (typically) older white men as the host. I was just so tired of it, and wondered, why in the world can’t a black person be a host of one of these show. And you are a blessing to behold.
    You and your travel are such a wonderful amazing adventure. My most happy vacation was to Cost Rica, I was beyond happy, but I did not know about the Afro-Cost Rican history. The individuals you choose to highlight were beautiful examples of Afro-Costa Ricans and your episode was filmed and produced beautifully. You have a wonderful smile and it is a pleasure to watch you. Thank you Thank you Thank you !!!! Me Encanta !!!

    1. What a lovely note! Thank you so much for taking the time to write. I’m so glad you enjoyed the show and it made you happy. Producing the shows fills me with joy, pride, strength and inspiration. Afro-Latinos have contributed greatly to Latin America and their contributions deserve to be honored and celebrated. I strive to bring their goodness and legacy to television. And, I agree that television needs to diversify the on-camera, as well as behind the scenes staff. I want to be part of the change for a more inclusive culture. Have a great holiday!
      Pura Vida!

  31. I really enjoyed watching your show today. Now I want to go to Costa Rica because I didn’t know there was African culture there! We need more travel/destination shows with black hosts!

    1. Thank you very much for watching the Limon episode. Yes, Costa Rica has a tremendously rich Afro descendant legacy. When it’s safe to travel, please consider a visit. Being in Limon feels like a visit to Jamaica with a Central American vibe. And, I agree with you – we absolutely need more black hosts on travel shows. When you get a chance, please check out Ernest White II Ernest is African American and his travel show, “Fly Brother” airs on PBS. Happy New Year!

  32. This is a wonderful and very necessary focus for a travel show, and I wonder what is planned for future shows. Can I assume that–when the pandemic is under more control—you’ll be going to places other than Costa Rica, with even more expansive Afro-Latino populations, cultures and histories? Maybe that would include Colombia’s northern and Pacific coasts, each with its distinct identity, that has inextricably integrated with the country’s larger identity, and each of which descended from former (and escaped/liberated) slave diasporas? (I would hope for more than just the typical tourist cruise-ship-style visit to Cartagena, and going into smaller towns more inland, where numerous music and dance forms with direct lineage to Africa continue to thrive, and are typically practiced in most high school programs). I hope we might also see visits to Cuba, and the Dominican Republic, whose popular Afro-Caribbean musical forms have taken such divergent ways—in one case, (merengue and bachata), which found their way, commercialized and debased, to highly lucrative markets in the U.S., the other, (timba), comparatively unknown in the U.S., but musically much richer. For much (if not most) of Latin America, I don’t believe it is historically accurate to view “Latino” and “African” as distinct things, because the African legacy has always been an integral component of what is called “Latino.” You don’t even have to go as far as the Caribbean to see this. Of the 44 people (from what is now northern Mexico) who founded Los Angeles, over half had African ancestry (

    1. Thomas:
      Wow! Thanks for a very informative email. I love it! You are very knowledgeable about the African Diaspora in Latin America. And, yes, we are working on episodes in various countries including Cuba, Dominican Republic and Colombia. As a matter of fact, we are celebrating Afro-Colombian Heritage this month on our social media platforms. Today’s photo, shared on our social media platforms, was taken in Palenque San Basilio during one of my trips.

      Thanks for sharing the link to Los Angeles Pobladores. I will read check it out.

      Wishing you a bright and beautiful spring!

  33. Hola,

    I’m a Spanish teacher in Indianapolis IN. I am looking for a way to stream your show in my classroom. Especially leading up to, & during Black History Month. I like to teach about identity, & modern people who may identify as both Black & Latino. I also explore the life of Arturo Schomburg. I’d love to see some online streaming options soon.


    Mrs. Harvey

    1. Hi Mrs. Harvey,
      Thank you for your support and desire to share the show with your classroom. The first two episodes will be playing in Indianapolis on WFYI, February 3, (San José episode) at 7:30pm EST and February 10, at 9:30am EST (Limón episode). I hope this helps. Maybe we can discuss the possibility of a webinar with your students. Again, thank you.

  34. Hi,
    I’m a Spanish teacher and would like to stream the episodes in class. Is there a way to stream the episodes? Or else find the recordings somewhere?

    ¡Mil gracias!

    1. Hola Delfina! I’m so sorry for the incredibly late response. Thanks so much for your interest in sharing the episodes with your students.
      The shows can be rented here: Watch Afro-Latino Travels with Kim Haas Costa Rica Online | Vimeo On Demand on Vimeo

      Please do not hesitate to reach out with any additional questions. We will respond in a timely fashion. Thanks again!

      Pura Vida!

  35. Dear Kim Haas,
    It was a pleasure to see a show that explored and discuss the African (Jamaican)
    influence on the port city Limon, Costa Rica. My father was born in Limon but migrated
    to Jamaica during early childhood. I have never visited Costa Rica but seeing this episode
    has inspired me to visit Costa Rica especially Limon in the near future.Keep up the good
    work and thank you for the show.

    1. Hello Seymour:
      Thanks so much for watching the Limon episode. Did you catch the San Jose show? That’s so interesting that your father was born in Limon and migrated to Jamaica. We have been telling the migration story of those Jamaicans who left the island and traveled to Limon. Your father has the reverse experience. Keep an eye out for our upcoming tour announcements. We are developing trips to Costa Rica (including Limon) and Cuba.
      Again, we appreciate your support. Stay safe and well. Pura Vida!

  36. Hi Kim,
    I have been researching a possible trip to Costa Rica and I came across your site. I would love to see the episodes but I don’t see it on the schedule for WTTW in Chicago (although it aired in the past.) How can I pay you directly to watch the show? I am especially interested in the one about Limon as I am planning to visit there and Puerto Viejo. I am also interested in your upcoming tours.

    1. Hi Amanda:

      So nice of you to reach out! Thanks so much for your interest in the shows and our tours. We really appreciate it.

      If you’d like to purchase the shows, please visit our Vimeo page:

      Or, you can wait for the shows to air again in Chicago. I believe the shows are going to air nationally on Create TV, PBS’ travel and lifestyle network, at the end of the month and early August. Once we have confirmed dates, we will share with the public.

      Also, we are still developing our tour to Costa Rica. When are you interested in traveling? If you’d like, I can add you to our list of interested individuals.

      Please don’t hesitate to reach out at if you have additional questions.



  37. Hello. I’m happy to see that you are the NECTFL keynote speaker this year. I teach a Spanish immersion class and can only use clips that are completely in Spanish in my classroom. Would you consider producing some content that’s only in Spanish for the world language classroom? Thanks

    1. Hi Joann:
      Thank you for your interest in the show. I’m glad we had a chance to speak at NECTFL. It was nice meeting you in-person. We know how important it is to have content in Spanish and we hope to be able to do so in the future.

      We are currently conducting a weekly (Wednesday, Feb 16 – Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 5:30pm EST) Afro-Latino Talks virtual interview series. During the series, we interview Afro-Latino authors, historians, chefs/cooks, artists etc. Some of the interviews will be conducted in Spanish. Please check the schedule on the website for more information.

      Please don’t hesitate to reach out if we can help you with anything else.

      Best wishes to you and your students!


  38. I became totally enchanted with the Costa Rica presentation. What was particularly fascinating was your emphasis on the Afro diaspora and how the different cultures have brought their own vibrancy to each Caribbean country. I was thinking and remembering my visit to Cuba and how the Afro influence was so distinct and so present. I was so completely engaged in watching the Costa Rica show on NPR that it took many minutes to realize that I met you on my Cuba trip. You were very young, very smart and accomplished and about to be married. We didn’t spend that much time together, however I remember you well. We shared a memorial evening of music (the best memories involved music) which highlighted the Musicians’Union so it was somewhat political also. We both were thrilled and delighted with everything that happened that night. We laughed a lot and so enjoyed the musicians. Congratulations on the show–wonderfully enjoyable and enlightening, truly!

    1. Hi Frada:
      Thank you so much for your lovely comments. I am glad you enjoyed the show. Yes, I remember our Cuba trip. It was wonderful. There’s so much incredible talent in Latin America’s African Diaspora and we are working to bring more of it to television viewers. It’s a true honor!

      I wish you the very best!

      Pura vida!


  39. Hi Kim,

    really enjoyed this episode! Latin American history is so rich and diverse. Having this show for an English speaking public is a wonderful way to show a side that most non-Latin Americans may not be aware of. Congrats! And see you at the AATSP conference this year!

    1. Thank you very much, Mark! So glad you enjoyed it. We loved making it and helping to bring greater representation to Latin America’s African Diaspora. We are just getting started.

      Yes, see you in San Juan! I’m super excited.

  40. Hello Kim,
    I caught your series on public television in Utah this past week. I saw both of your episodes covering Costa Rica. Having traveled extensively throughout Costa Rica many years ago, it was refreshing to see another more interesting side of Limon and the cultural awareness and pride in African heritage that has evolved.

    I hope your series takes you to Honduras and Belize and you can find a way to incorporate segments focusing on the Garufina culture of those two countries. My good friend from Honduras, Aurelio Maertinez, would be a great interview for your show. He is a veteran recording artist and extremely talented musician and stage performer and a great spokesperson for the Garufina people. Aurelio has recorded on Peter Gabriel’s Real World label and worked with the likes of Youssou N’Dour. He also served in the Honduran National Assembly. The Paranda music from that region is absolutely exquisite!

    The Garufina people have a very interesting history. They share cultural ties with the Ibibio people of southeastern Nigeria, the Arawak natives of the Caribbean, and the Spainish. I spent 2 years in Nigeria living amongst Ibibio and Efik people, and was blown away when I met Aurelio during a performance here in Utah and learned about the connection between the Garifuna and Ibibio peoples. I think viewers would find this history and connection between African and Latin cultures facinating.

    I look forward to seeing more episodes in your series.

    1. WOW! Jeff, thanks for such a wonderful message. We really appreciate your comments and suggestions. I met Aurelio Martinez many years ago in New York City. He was as great as you say. I’m blown away by the Garifuna! What incredible pride, courage and commitment they display. And, an absolutely amazing history.

      Thanks also for mentioning your experience in Nigeria and connections between Africa and Latin cultures. So much of Latin American culture is born out of/heavily influenced by Africa and her descendants. It’s a rich and powerful legacy.

      Wishing you the very best!

      Pura Vida!!


  41. Kim. What a blessing and joy to watch your shows. I’ve watched the shows over and over. My/our Afro- Latino bros/ sis are amazing. I need more episodes . You’re a wonderful hostess who exposes us to the rich history, culture and talents… Our distant relatives. Please produce more episodes. All Our cultures are so rich and rooted from A frica. I hope one day to travel there.

    1. Hi Karen,
      Thanks so much for watching the shows repeatedly. We really appreciate your support and dedication. It mwans the world to me. Everyone works so hard to make the shows informative as well as entertaining. Yes, our Afro-Latino brothers and sisters are amaazing. No doubt! We are hoping to produce mre episodes this year. If you are interested, we have a tour to Costa Rica in August. More information can be found on the website’s costa rica page. Wishing you the very best!! Pura Vida! Kim

  42. Hello! I would love to watch the episodes, as well as show them in my classes. Is there somewhere I can access these shows online? I live on the East Coast and it seems they are not broadcasted over here. Thank you!

    1. Hi Karina,
      Were you able to find the shows since we last connected? Sorry, it’s been so challenging. We are still working on making the shows available on Vimeo. I will follow-up with you once they are available. Best of luck to you and your students! Please stay connected. We love hearing from teachers. Kim

  43. Hi Kim, I saw your show for the first time! I am an Afro-Latina Panamanian American! Are there plans to do a program on Afro-Latinos in Panama?


    1. Hola Tanya,
      So nice to hear from you! Thanks for reaching out. What part of Panama are you from? We have been trying to film in Panama but it hasn’t happened yet. But, I’m not giving up. We are hoping to film new episodes later this year and depending on how things go, Panama may be included. If not, this year, hopefully in the near future. We are just getting started sharing the brillance of Latin America’s African descendents. It’s my great passion and joy. Have a wonderful week! Kim

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